
Hours, memories, faces! Life is like a puzzle...a little bit from there a little bit from here...and in the end you get confused!
H:50 cm/W: 70 cm
colaj,hartie lucioasa, carton

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Sorin Ştirbu spunea...

Let's rephrase it:

Life is like a puzzle ... day by day, hour by hour you get another piece of it ..... but in the end it doesn't even matter ... you'll never link them toghether ...

Andrizes spunea...

Wesselmann, Thiebaud, Dine, Warhol, Katz, John, Oldenburg si acum Capanu intregesc tabloul artistilor Pop Art care imbina influentele si experientele intr-un stil evident personal, dar care invita privitorul sa se implice in procesul creativ. "OraM", prima lucrare Pop Art, implica un aranjament de asimetrii usor recognoscibile in omniprezentul element cotidian. Un buchetul de dezordine atent 'aranjata' de Capanu, care asterne ganduri si elemente vizuale perceptibile doar de o imaginatie relaxata, dar intotdeauna pusa pe joaca.